Slipknot vokalisti kertoo rumpalin erottamisen olleen yhtyeen uran vaikein teko

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.9.2014

Slipknot 2014Yhdysvaltalaisen metallia soittavan Slipknotin vokalisti Corey Taylor on antanut pitkän haastattelun englantilaiselle Metal Hammer -lehdelle, jossa myöntää yhtyeen uran vaikeimmaksi hetkeksi rumpali Joey Jordisonin erottamisen yhtyeestä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Coreyn keskusteli Metal Hammerin kanssa aiheeseen liittyen.

Corey kommentoi eroa Joey Jordisonin kanssa seuraavasti:

”I can’t talk too much about it because we’re going through the legalities of everything right now and settling everything, but it’s when a relationship hits that T-section and one person’s going one way and you’re going the other. And try as you might to either get them to go your way or try and go their way, at some point you’ve got to go in the direction that works for you. This is me speaking in the broadest terms, with respect to Joey. I guess to sum it up, it was one of the hardest decisions we ever made.”

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”We’re all happy right now and we hope that he is. I’ve known him since ’91, and that was before we were in bands together, and he’s incredibly talented; he’s just in a place in his life, right now, that’s not where we are… in the nicest terms.”

Verkossa on levinnyt huhu, että Joey Jordison erotettiin Slipknotista vakavan huumeriippuvuuden takia. Tätä Corey kommentoi seuraavasti:

”There’s only so far that I can give an explanation. For me, that has to be a sign of growing up, because before I would’ve just railed at whatever I thought the supposed evil was, but now it’s like, how do you explain to the fans? And that’s the hardest part, because no matter what explanation you give, it’s not gonna make them happy. I’m sure there are fans out there who have their own theories about it…”

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Mies ei omien sanojensa mukaan ole enää ollenkaan väleissä entisen bändikaverinsa kanssa:

”I haven’t talked to Joey in a while, to be honest,” he told the magazine. ”That’s how different we are. It’s not because I don’t love him and I don’t miss him. And it is painful; we talk about him all the time, but at the same time, do we miss him or do we miss the old him? That’s what it really comes down to. It’s just a fucking shame.”

Slipknotin seuraava järjestyksessään viides albumi nimeltä ”.5: The Gray Chapter” ilmestyy lokakuun 21. päivä RoadRunner Recordsin kautta.

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