Slipknotilla aikomuksena kirjoittaa uutta albumia koko vuosi 2017
Yhdysvaltalaisen metallijätin Slipknotin perkussionisti M. Shawn “Clown” Crahan on antanut hiljattain Metal Insiderille haastattelun, jossa on avannut yhtyeen tulevan albumin aikataulua. Clownin mukaan yhtye aikoo alkaa kirjoittamaan tulevaa albumiaan helmikuussa 2017 ja albumin kirjoittaminen tulee jatkumaan vuoteen 2018 asti. Voit lukea Clownin ajatuksia tulevan albumin aikataulusta tästä:
“…Basically we are taking until February and Jim Root and I are going to do something different. We are not gonna sit around while everyone goes and does their thing, because everyone does their thing. Some people rest, some people do other bands, whatever. All of us feel, I am talking about everybody, Corey Taylor, Jim Root, we all feel that for the last 20 years we have been doing it one way, so it would be nice to just like examine the song.
So we are going to get together in February and we are going to work with different people, different places, make experiences and take the opportunity to get back into a rehearsal room with a lot of us and jam and not feel like a lot of pressure like ‘okay we have to get together and in three months write this album.’ We want to spend the next year or so diving into the ability to write songs, and explore what we are to the world as musicians and songwriters.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyySo we are very excited to be doing some things differently. We’ve got full support from the label and everybody around us, and we are going to dive into some very unique thinking, not unlike anything we have ever done. We are just kind of tired of how the pirate ship has gone. I don’t really wanna row the oars anymore I want to be an officer or a general.”
Bändin laulajana toimiva Corey Taylor on kuitenkin omassa Twitterissään paljastanut, että yhtye tuskin tulee astumaan studioon levyä nauhoittamaan ennen vuotta 2019. Voit lukea Coreyn ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:
Not really. That just means they’re gonna start writing music. We won’t go in the studio for 2 years.
— JUDEAN PPL’S FRONT (@CoreyTaylorRock) November 23, 2016