Slipknotin Clown uuden maskin suunnittelusta: ”Raskain osa siitä käydään omassa päässä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.3.2021

Slipknot-lyömäsoittaja M. Shawn ”Clown” Crahan sekä Cedar Ridge Winery & Distilleryn päätislausmestari Murphy Quint järjestivät hiljattain tilaisuuden, jossa he vastailivat Slipknotin faniklubin Outside The 9:n esittämiin kysymyksiin.

Kun Clownilta kysyttiin, kuinka syvällinen prosessi uuden maskin suunnittelu perkussionistille aina on, kertoi Clown suurimman osan suunnittelusta tapahtuvan hänen omassa päässään. Perkussionisti kertoo joskus ideoiden syntyvän helposti ja joskus niiden vievän paljonkin aikaa. ”We Are Not Your Kind” -albumia varten suunniteltu maski on hieman edeltäjiään hengittävämpi, ja Clown kertoo pystyvänsä sen takia antamaan enemmän itsestään bändin keikkojen aikana.

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Voit lukea tästä, mitä kerrottavaa Clownilla oli oman maskinsa suunnittelusta:

”For me, it’s always been easy. I wake up. I have a feeling. It seems natural. It goes on. I’m there. I look at it, and I go, ’That’s exactly what I feel like. The in-depthness is in my mind. It’s the subconscious thought of something I can’t hold. How do you mold that in your brain? How do you turn it in circles? How do you look into it? How do you fit into it? It’s so untangible, it’s so not here, so the process, the heaviest part of it is in your own brain — in visualizing the pain or the discomfort you actually wanna put yourself in for that album cycle. For example, for this mask, for the cycle ’We Are Not Your Kind’, I chose not to have something that covered my entire head, because I’ve done it quite a bit over my career, and the exhaustion from heat not being able to escape fatigues my show, and I’m wanting to give a better show personally, physically, spiritually, mentally.

So it’s a manual task once it gets out of the subconscious and into the conscious and then into words and then into body language and possibly pencils. And then it’s just work from there. But the real tedious stuff comes from staying up at night, wondering who you’re gonna be, who you can represent.

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As we all know, we’re a very unique band because I wouldn’t say that we go all out on these things, and I think that’s what makes them so personal and special, whereas we all know you can watch a Hollywood movie and there could be so much money spent on these things, but maybe it’s overdone, maybe it looks overdone, maybe you don’t feel that character.

I’ve always felt that we just naturally know — whether it’s expensive or plastic or leather or latex — just let it be what it is. And that’s about as hard as it is — is to admit to yourself who you’re going to want to be for all of you for the next 18 months, possibly the next three years.”

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