Slipknotin Corey Taylor bändin tulevasta ”isosta” uutisesta: ”Siinä on kaikkea mitä voit odottaa Slipknot-projektilta”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.3.2021
Kuva: Peter Saari

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin laulaja Corey Taylor on antanut hiljattain haastattelun 95.5 KLOS radiokanavan juontajalle Matt Pinfieldille, jossa on kertonut yhtyeen tulevan ison uutisen olevan jotain, mitä fanit voivatkin odottaa Slipknot -projektilta. Taylor kertoi yhtyeen tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista ja isosta uutisesta seuraavaa:

“I can’t say too much about it, and I can tell you that currently, we’ve compiled a lot of material, me and Clown have talked about something really, really cool if we could pull it off.

There’s a chance that it could be conceptual if we can really do it right. The music is brilliant, it expands on what we did with ‘We Are Not Your Kind‘ and kind of blossoms from there.

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But the great thing is – it’s got not only that, but it’s got everything that you would want from a Slipknot project – there’s the heavy stuff, there’s the dark stuff, there’s the melodic stuff, there’s the weird stuff.

We have so many different flavors that we can play with that now, at this point, it’s just us mixing and matching and seeing what excites us.

So that’s all I can say for right now but I can tell you that it’s really, really good. We’re entering a realm that we’ve never been and that to us is exciting.

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Especially after all of these years, we pride ourselves on always being able to try and top ourselves, and if we can pull this off, this may be the ultimate top ourselves.”

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