Slipknotin Corey Taylor kertoo hiljattaisesta leikkaukseen johtaneesta loukkaantumisestaan

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 20.7.2016

Slipknot Corey Taylor 2016Slipknot– ja Stone Sour -yhtyeiden vokalisti Corey Taylor kertoo tuoreessa 93x-radiokanavalle antamassaan haastattelusta murtuneen niskansa tilasta sekä hiljattaisesta leikkauksestaan, jonka vuoksi Slipknotin kiertue Marilyn Mansonin kanssa lykkääntyi. Hän kertoi suhtautumisestaan onnettomuuteen:

“It’s been the last few years of my life, just something physically wrong. The strength in my ride side was completely gone. I had the strength of an 80-year-old, basically—In fact, I probably would have lost a fight to an actual 80-year-old. That’s how bad it was—and it sucked.”

Loukkaantumista itsessään Taylor kommentoi seuraavasti:

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“There was a host of different things, but essentially what had happened was, and the only thing I can think of is, I fell offstage in ’99 and landed on top my head. I fell four feet off stage, landed. Being 25, I just kind of brushed it off – ‘I can still feel everything, I must be fine.’ Meanwhile what had actually happened was my c5 and c6, basically it was compound fracture, compressed together, crushed the disc, and then slowly but surely started growing into my spinal cord. The doctor couldn’t believe that I was walking. He was like ‘I don’t know how you walked in here.’ It literally was, we went from zero to surgery like that. That’s why it was emergency spinal surgery.”

Lavalle palaamisesta Taylor kertoi:

“The doctor told me that I could go out and sing after two weeks. I waited three, you know? I made sure that I could do something. Yeah, I probably should have waited a little longer, but I didn’t want to.”

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Hiljattaiseen lavalta putoamiseensa Atlantassa hän ottaa kantaa seuraavasti:

“It looked worse than it was… Yeah, I jumped up, and as soon as I jumped I knew, ‘I’m not going to clear this’, It was wet, and that’s why. And my feet went out from underneath me, hit my leg first and then fell over… The reason I took my time was because I just wanted to make sure I didn’t break anything and that I didn’t reaggravate anything. The video looks terrible—but I’m laying on the ground just laughing my ass off.”

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