Slipknot - Hartwall Arena 24.02.2020

Slipknotin Corey Taylor: ”Palan halusta päästä takaisin keikkalavoille, sillä tulen hulluksi kotona”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.6.2020
Slipknot – Hartwall Arena 24.02.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin sekä rockyhtye Stone Sourin nokkamies Corey Taylor ei malta odottaa aikaa, jolloin yhtyeet pääsevät taas normaalisti tien päälle soittamaan keikkoja. Laulaja on hiljattain antanut haastattelun The Mistress Carrie Podcastille, jossa on kertonut palavansa halusta päästä takaisin keikkalavoille. Corey on paljastanut aikovansa soittaa kotikaupungissaan Las Vegasissa intiimejä soolokeikkoja heti, kun se vain on koronaviruksen puolesta mahdollista. Corey kertoi suunnitelmistaan sekä livekeikkojen puutteen aiheuttamasta turhautumisesta seuraavaa:

”It sucks because on one side I feel like I’m shackled because a lot of the promoters won’t book anything — they won’t book anything that could be looked at as a risk. Plus, state to state, city to city, the regulations are different — you don’t know what the hell is going on. And even if you get past all of that, there’s no guarantee that anybody’s gonna show up. It all depends on what concert you’re talking about. But at the same time, I look at the [’Black Lives Matter’] protests and I see people who are so passionate about what they believe in that they are willing to put themselves at risk. If that’s one end of the spectrum, who’s to say to say that the other end of the spectrum is if you put on a show and people are just as passionate about having a good time as they are about protesting something that they absolutely believe in, then I feel like one and the other have to kind of go… At some point, someone’s going to have to break the lock. I don’t know who that’s going to be, I don’t know what it’s going to take. All I know is I’m gagging to play a live show — I’m losing my mind. And I haven’t felt like that in a very, very long time.”

”I am trying to find a way to play some solo shows. I don’t know how I’m gonna do it, but I’m trying. So if we can come out of that and be okay, I think we’ll be able to move on. But it’s like trying to get through red tape… If you find a venue that’s willing to do it, then you have to find out if the city’s actually going to let you do it or if they’re gonna send somebody down to shut you down. And if they don’t do it, can you get a promoter that will actually invest in it or are they gonna take their hands off it? So it’s almost like trying to chase the source to find the cure. And I don’t know what right move’s going to be right now. But I’m trying to find it. I’m trying to do a million different things right now, but I’m definitely trying to find it.”

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