Slipknotin Corey Taylor: ”Tuleva sooloalbumi sisältää jopa kappaleita jotka kirjoitin lukiossa”
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalliyhtye Slipknotista sekä rockyhtye Stone Sourista tunnettu kultakurkku Corey Taylor sai hiljattain valmiiksi uransa ensimmäisen sooloalbumin nauhoitukset. Corey oli kirjoittanut kappaleita vuosien kuluessa, mutta ne eivät istuneet Slipknotille eivätkä Stone Sourille. Materiaali on jäänyt hyödyntämättä tähän asti, kunnes hän päätti käyttää ne sooloalbumissaan. Corey kertoi nauhoittaneensa levylle jopa 25 kappaletta ja tehneensä kappaleet yhdessä Stone Sourin kitaristi Christian Martuccin, soolobändissään Corey Taylor and Friends soittavan kitaristi Zach Thronen, basisti Jason Christopherin sekä rumpali Dustin Schoenhoferin kanssa. Corey on nyt paljastanut tuoreessa SiriusXM:n ”Trunk Nationin” haastattelussa, että varhaisimmat albumin kappaleista on kirjoitettu Coreyn ollessa lukiossa. Corey kertoi kappaleista sekä sooloalbumistaan haastattelussa seuraavaa:
”It’s been a long time coming. It was something that people have been asking me to do for years, and it was something that I always kind of put off, because how greedy can somebody be? I already have two bands. What more do I want? But then it just kept coming up, and then I just kept thinking about it, like, what would a solo album sound like? And that’s when I started really looking into my bag, and it was just, like, I’ve got all these songs that I’ve written that didn’t fit with either band. And that’s kind of what started this. I was gonna do this next year, but then, obviously, everything shut down, so it kind of afforded me the time to really go in and really concentrate on it and work with the people that I wanted to work with — friends of mine for 15-plus years; people who I’ve made music with or jammed with or played with that I knew exactly how it would sound with them on it. And we just did it right. Honestly, we all quarantined for two weeks, including the people in the studio that we worked at, and made sure that we had no contact with anybody else — no outside people — and we just all went in and did it together. And we did 25 songs in two and a half weeks. It was insane.
I’m always writing. And it’s kind of all over the page sometimes. Sometimes it’s a risky move with both bands that I’m willing to take, and then there’s some times where it’s just, like, ’You know what? I don’t even know where this fits. This has got like a SWEET/SLADE vibe that doesn’t really fit with either band.’ I tried giving them to other bands, and some bands, it just didn’t fit their vibe, and other bands, they’re a little more just not into outside material. So I just have a surplus of songs, and it was just, like, ’All right, I guess I’m just gonna use it.’
A lot of this stuff is as new as I’ve written it in the last year or so, and some of the stuff is as old as… I mean, the first song on the album is a song that I’ve been working on since I was in high school. It’s a long, long, long time coming, and really maybe it was one of those things where it took years of working and honing my craft to have, I guess, the confidence to be able to complete that song. So, yeah, this is a long, long time of waiting and piecing it together, and it feel awesome.”
Kysyttäessä aikooko Corey soittaa soolokeikkoja albuminsa tiimoilta, hän kertoo koronaviruksen sotkeneen hieman aikatauluja, mutta tarkoituksena olisi yhä päästä tien päälle soittamaan keikkoja levyn tiimoilta. Corey kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:
”Absolutely, man. We definitely wanna do some solo shows. Because everything is so tentative now — everybody is so scared to book anything yet [due to the coronavirus pandemic]. But if it comes down to it and people wanna take a chance and do a one-off or something, that’s what we’re kind of looking at right now. But, obviously, I still have commitments to SLIPKNOT when everything kind of finally lurches back into place, so this will, obviously, kind of be put on hold again until after all those commitments are done, and then I’m gonna go on a full-on solo tour and do everything I can to promote that again.”