Slipknotin Corey Taylorin ja Shawn Crahanin lapset coveroivat yhtyeen kappaleita

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 17.4.2018

Slipknotin Corey Taylorin ja M. Shawn ”Clown” Crahanin teini-ikäiset pojat Griffin Taylor ja Simon Crahan ovat perustaneet oman bändin. Pojat ovat juuri julkaisseet materiaalia harjoituksista, jossa he coveroivat Slipknotin kappaleet ”The Devil In I” sekä ”Dead Memories”. Videot voit katsoa alta.

Corey Taylor on aiemmin kertonut eräälle Wisconsinin radiokanavalle, että hänen poikansa esiintyminen Stone Sourin keikalla viime heinäkuussa tuntui epätodelliselta, koska Griffin oli vasta 14-vuotias:

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”First of all, he’s a natural. He’d never done anything like that before. We didn’t even practice on stage with him. He and I went through it acoustically backstage. He was 14 at the time. At 14, not only could he lean back on the adrenaline and fall in the pocket, but note-wise, he was so dialed in on it. And then had the presence of mind to be running around stage, going for it, and then at the end, he jumps up on my check-me-out box and takes a selfie with the audience. I would have never in a million years thought to do that. I’d never felt that kind of pride in my life, man. I was, like, ’Oh, you’ve got the Taylor curse now, dude. You’re screwed. In one split second, I was up on stage and I’m playing guitar, and I was really just kind of backing him up on the choruses and stuff. But a million things are going through my head. I’m seeing him as a kid, I’m seeing him on his first day at school, I’m seeing him struggle with just trying to figure out who he is and stuff, and then all of a sudden — boom! — and there he is. And I’m like, ’Wow!'”


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Griffin Taylor on esiintynyt aiemmin isänsä Corey Taylorin kanssa Stone Sourin keikalla:

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