Slipknotin entinen rumpali Joey Jordison työstämässä elämänkertaa: hehkuttaa olevan paremmassa kunnossa kuin koskaan
Julkaisimme sivustollamme hiljattain uutisen, jossa kerrottiin yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin rumpalin Joey Jordisonin jättäneen yhtyeen sairastuttuaan transversaalimyeliittiin, joka vei mieheltä kyvyn soittaa rumpuja. Joey on antanut sairaudestaan nyt uuden haastattelun Loudwirelle, jossa paljastaa lisää taustoja sairauteensa liittyen. Voit lukea aiheesta tästä:
“…When I got diagnosed with that, you know, all I had to do was pick myself up and get into the gym and find the right trainers and everything and just get myself healthy. That’s all I did, it was just right in my heart. All I do is I’m in the gym all the time. That’s all I do; I’m in the gym and I play. That’s all I fucking do. And write music. And I’m stronger than I’ve fucking ever been in my life, like seriously. I’m not just saying that. I’m the strongest I have ever been. Ever. There was a time when I was beat down and I lost my way. All this weird fucking shit happened but I came back from it, man. I was fucked. I was completely fucked for a long time, but I came back.”
Kysyttäessä miksi hän halusi pitää sairauden salassa vastasi Joey seuraavaa:
“One thing was, I didn’t want to be the person that, like, ‘Oh, I got sick, so everyone feel sorry for me.’ I got stuck with something that was very fucing very traumatic and I was focused on getting myself back and I didn’t need to fucking cry to the fucking media to get a bunch of sympathy to fucking make myself look like, ‘Oh, I’m so fucking hurt,’ and all that shit. I kept it quiet. And all I did was get myself back focused on my fucking self and my life and what I wanted to do in my career. You know, it’s a fucking horrible, horrible affliction, man. It cripples people; I was. Sometimes people don’t come back from that. I got back from it.”
Joey Jordison on paljastanut samaisessa haastattelussa työstävänsä parhaillaan myös kirjaa kahden yhtyeensä Sinsaenumin sekä Vimicin yhteydessä. Hän kertoi siitä seuraavaa:
“Well, I am going to write a book some day and I’ve worked on it. It will come out. I need to do these tours and these records and get those released before the final chapter when the first book comes out. I started working on it. It will come out in the future, but right now it’s not in the cards. Right now the focus is touring and supporting these records I’ve been doing. Right now it’s all about getting on the road.”
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