Slipknotin Jim Root: ”Seuraavasta albumistamme tulee kitara-vetoisempi”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.12.2016

Jim Root Slipknot 2015Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin kitaristi Jim Root on antanut Hatebreedista tutun Jamey Jastan luotsaamalle The Jasta Show:lle hiljattain haastattelun, jossa on hieman avannut näkemyksiään Slipknotin seuraavan albumin suhteen. Jim on haastattelussa todennut haluavansa seuraavasta albumista todennäköisesti hieman enemmän kitara-vetoisamman. Mies on kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa: 

”Already I think it’s a little bit more obviously guitar-oriented since it’s not being written by a drummer [former SLIPKNOT drummer Joey Jordison] and bass player [late SLIPKNOT bassist Paul Gray], for the most part. And I can only write the way I can write, and I do my best. But I’ve really gotta detach myself from everything and try to pull from the energy of Mr. Gray and try to think about where his mind might go and the things he might do, and go back to when we were splitting hotel rooms up and think about the way we were back and all that, and that’s kind of where I draw my inspiration from when I write. But that was then, that was that last record we did.”

”I don’t know how to even begin to approach the next stuff that we’re gonna start working on. I definitely think a lot more of the members need to be a lot more involved; I think it’ll be a lot cooler that way. And Clown [percussionist Shawn Crahan] has different ideas on what he wants to do, and I don’t know what Corey wants to do; I never know what he wants to do. But I’ve always wanted to get a little bit more experimental with music, but it’s so hard. Everybody says, ’We need to do like a RADIOHEAD metal album or whatever, PINK FLOYD meets…’, everybody says they wanna do that. And that’s cool and everything. I mean, I think as long as you catch a vibe and everything’s very organic, then it doesn’t really matter. I don’t like to try to put, like, ’Let’s do this type of record,’ ’cause it never turns out that way anyways.”

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