Slipknot - Hartwall Arena 24.02.2020

Slipknotin lanseeraama Knotfest siirtyy Japanissa vuodelle 2022

Kirjoittanut Jaakko Nygård - 3.12.2020
Slipknot – Hartwall Arena 24.02.2020

Jo useampaan kertaan eteenpäin siirretty Japanin Knotfest on päätetty lykätä suosiolla vuoden 2022 puolelle. Japanilainen Hayashi International Promotion on antanut aiheesta tänään virallisen tiedotuksen, jonka mukaan kaikki vuodelle 2021 kaavaillut päivämäärät voidaan pyyhkiä kalentereista pois.

“As a result of the ongoing situation with the coronavirus mandates in Japan and around the world, after thorough discussions with Knotfest organizers & SLIPKNOT’s concern for the safety of the fans, artists, staff and everyone involved, we regretfully announce the postponement of Knotfest Japan 2020 scheduled for January 10th 2021 and January 11th 2021 at Makuhari Messe.

We understand a second postponement is difficult news. SLIPKNOT, their management, and our entire staff sincerely apologize for any inconveniences this has caused the fans that have been looking forward to the event.

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The new show dates are as follows: Knotfest Japan 2022 Roadshow: April 9th (Saturday) 2022 / Festival: April 10th (Sunday) 2022 Venue: Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 9-11.

For people who wish to keep their tickets, please store your purchased tickets in a safe place as they will be honored for the rescheduled dates. For people who wish to receive a refund, ticket refunds will be available between 10:00 a.m. on December 2 (Wednesday) 2020 and 11:59 p.m. January 12 (Tuesday) 2021.”

Knotfest on iowalaisen metalliylpeys Slipknotin lanseeraama festivaali, joka on järjestetty ensimmäisen kerran Yhdysvalloissa vuonna 2012. Tuosta eteenpäin festivaalin laajeneminen ympäri maailman on ottanut hyvin tuulta alleen.

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