Slipknotin nokkamiehen tulevalta sooloalbumilta saadaan esimakua ensi viikolla uuden singlen muodossa: albumi luvassa syksyn 2020 aikana
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalliyhtye Slipknotista sekä rockyhtye Stone Sourista tunnettu laulaja Corey Taylor on julkaisemassa keskiviikkona 29. päivä heinäkuuta ensimmäisen kappaleen tulevalta – huhujen mukaan ”CMFT” -nimeä kantavalta – sooloalbumiltaan, jonka julkaisua kaavaillaan tapahtuvaksi syksyllä 2020 RoadRunner Recordsin kautta. Corey työsti albumiaan basisti Jason Christopherin, rumpali Dustin Schoenhoferin sekä kitaristien Zach Thronen ja Christian Martuccin (Stone Sour) kanssa, ja se tulee koostumaan kaiken kaikkiaan kolmestatoista kappaleesta. Taylor on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen Twitter-viestin, jonka voit lukea tästä:
Are You Ready?
New Music July 29#CMFT jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy— fuck your checkmark (@CoreyTaylorRock) July 24, 2020
Corey Taylor on aiemmin kertonut albumin kappaleista Mosh Talks With Beezin haastattelussa seuraavaa:
”It was something I was planning to do anyway next year when I got off the road with SLIPKNOT, and, obviously, best-laid plans [were] just done and done [because of the coronavirus pandemic]. But I figured if this was the time to do it, why not try and do it. Me and my band quarantined. We social distanced for about two weeks, including our producer, Jay Ruston, who I worked with, and the people at the studio that I recorded at, which was Kevin Churko’s Hideout [Recording Studio in Las Vegas].
This was stuff that we had been working on for a while. This was stuff that I had written as [recently] as the last SLIPKNOT tour and as far back as… There’s a song on here that dates back to when I was in high school, so that tells you how long I’ve been sitting on a lot of this material. And it’s just stuff that I’ve kind of had floating around that didn’t really fit with either band. It just had different energy and a different vibe.
The more people asked me if I was ever gonna do a solo thing, I started going, ’Well, I kind of know what it would sound like, because I’ve got all these songs that really don’t have a home anywhere else.’ And lo and behold, boom. We went in, we recorded 98 to 99 percent of the music live in the studio. The only thing we overdubbed was vocals and piano and some acoustic. And we did 25 songs in two and a half weeks.”