Slipknot - Hartwall Arena 24.02.2020

Slipknotin Shawn ”Clown” Crahan koronaviruksesta: ”Ei minulla ole aikaa sairastaa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.6.2020
Slipknot – Hartwall Arena 24.02.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Slipknot ilmoitti hiljattain peruvansa kaikki vuodelle 2020 suunnitellut keikkansa koronaviruksen luoman epävarmuuden vuoksi. Nyt yhtyeen perkussionisti ja perustaja Shawn ”Clown” Crahan on antanut Pennywisen kitaristille Fletcher Draggelle haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut olevansa niin kiireinen, ettei hänellä ole aikaa sairastaa koronavirusta. Crahan kertoi omasta ajankulustaan karanteenissa seuraavaa:

”I won’t watch TV or buy into any of it because they run the loop — they start, they’ll go seven minutes, they’ll speak of what they did to re-invite anyone who just joined.

”What I picked up early was that this affects a lot of people, of course, with compromised immune systems, but a lot of elderly and stuff. Unfortunately, my parents are passed, and I don’t have anyone that way. But my best friend’s mom is alive, all of my best friends’ parents, things like that. Instantly, I was, like, ’Wow, that’s a really scary thing.'”

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”People like us, I don’t have time to get sick. We’re out on the road and stuff… I see someone from 20 yards [away], I’m gone. I don’t have time to be ill. At least in my experience, the worst shows I’ve ever had are the ones where I had to play with a fever, and it wasn’t ’cause I played bad; it’s just because I wanted to put a gun in my mouth and end it.”

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