Slipknotin vokalisti oli lähellä tulla valituksi Velvet Revolverin seuraavaksi laulajaksi
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin vokalisti Corey Taylor on tehnyt hiljattain Loudwiren kanssa haastattelun, jossa mies on myöntänyt nauhoittaneensa yhtyeen kanssa kymmenen kappaletta bändin albumia varten. Corey Taylor on kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:
”I think it was ten [songs that I recorded with VELVET REVOLVER]… I think it was… It’s either nine or ten,” Taylor said (see video below). ”There was a handful that we wrote, and then there was a handful that I kind of rearranged a little bit based on music that they already had. So it wasn’t music that we kind of wrote together. I mean, there were, like, three… I think there was three songs that we wrote together, which were actually pretty sweet. And then the rest of it was me writing to music that they already had that I thought was pretty cool.”
”Yeah, the world will probably never hear ’em, which is fine, because, I mean, I would want another crack at kind of working on some of that stuff anyway. But that will never happen, so it’s…. You know, it’s all good.”
Velvet Revolverin kitaristi Slash on kuitenkin Rolling Stonen haastattelussa sanonut, että Corey Taylorin eikä Sebastian Bachin ääni lopulta sopinut yhtyeeseen toivotulla tavalla ja tämän takia heitä ei valittu yhtyeen uudeksi vokalistiksi:
”Well, Sebastian [auditioned for the VELVET REVOLVER singer spot] before Scott [became a member of the band]. And I love Sebastian, but, if you can imagine, it sounded sort of like ’SKID N’ ROSES.’ It was cool, but you knew that everybody who heard it was gonna be, like, ’Oh, yeah, that makes sense.’ It was a little bit too predictable. But as far as [vocalists that we have auditioned] since Scott [was dismissed from the band], probably [the one that came] the closest [to landing the gig] would have to be Corey, ’cause everybody was rallying for him. And I love Corey to death, but something about it was just a little bit too… What’s the word for it? You know how Corey sings. It’s a very macho kind of thing. But it didn’t have certain elements I thought it needed. So we just didn’t go down that path. And that was the closest so far.”