Slipknotista tuttu Joey Jordison Murderdolls-projektistaan: ”Rakastaisin uuden albumin tekemistä”
Slipknotin riveissä tunnetuksi tullut rumpali Joey Jordison on antanut haastattelun, jossa hän kertoo Murderdolls-sivuprojektinsa tämänhetkisestä tilasta. Jordisonin lisäksi projektissa oli mukana laulajana horror punkin veteraani Wednesday 13, kun taas rumpalina, basistina ja toisena kitaristina toimivat Racci Shay Hart, Jack Tankersley sekä Roman Surman. Jordison on kertonut haastattelussa haluavansa tehdä uuden Murderdolls-albumin, mutta ei vielä lupaa tämän toteutuvan. Voit lukea hänen kommenttinsa tästä:
”I cannot say anything bad about that band and what we accomplished with the MURDERDOLLS.”
”Those tours we did are really awe-inspiring when you look in hindsight of what we accomplished in a short amount of time and the two records we did. I could not be more proud and happy of what we accomplished in that time. Everyone that was in that band, the couple of different personnels we employed, the MURDERDOLLS were killer. Like I said before, I don’t know if I would do another record, but I won’t rule it out.”
Projektissa kitaristina toiminut Jordison kertoi yhtyeen toimineen hänelle kanavana ideoille, joiden toteutus olisi ollut mahdotonta Slipknotin kanssa:
”That is the thing, when we did ’Beyond The Valley Of The Murderdolls’ [2002], I had already done four records with SLIPKNOT, two that were on the label and released.”
”When we did the first MURDERDOLLS record, I have this punk rock and pop side of me that I don’t really get to get out in other areas in my life. When we did that band, it was just pretty much to express fun, have a great time, and kind of throw a monkeywrench into what was going on in rock and metal at the time, and it worked. I would love to do another record. Like I said, I won’t rule it out.”
Myös Wednesday 13 suhtautuu avoimesti mahdollisen uuden levyn työstämiseen. Hän kertoi asiasta viime vuonna
”MURDERDOLLS turns fifteen years old next year, and it took on a life of its own. It’s in the fans’ hands at this point. To me, it’s rock and roll. I could put any drama or differences aside to go out and play music for our fans. That’s what it comes down to at the end of the day. You do this for such a long time — even with the WEDNESDAY 13 [solo] stuff — it’s as much the fans as it is me these days, because I need them to live. That’s how it works. You don’t alienate that. I always feel that people want what they want.”
”That was a cool time, because MURDERDOLLS is why I’m here today. If that hadn’t happened, I don’t know… Joey pulled me out of obscurity and gave me a career, and I’m forever indebted to him for that. No matter any behind the scenes, whatever’s going on with that — it’s nobody’s business, really — but I always say: at the end of the day, if the fans wanted it and he was into doing it, I would definitely entertain the idea of doing it.”