Soil studioon ensi kuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.1.2013

Yhdysvaltalainen raskasta rockia soittava Soil siirtyy studioon helmikuussa nauhoittamaan seuraavaa vielä nimeämätöntä albumiaan, joka tullaan julkaisemaan kesällä 2013. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen viesti levyyn liittyen.

”This is the first time Adam [Zadel, guitar], Tim [King, bass] and I have been writing together since ’Redefine’, so you have the key component of what made those records. I was always the lyric writer of those albums, and if I stumbled somewhere, Adam was always there to give me a little boost, and give me a little direction here and there. You’ve got us back together as far as the lyrics that I write go. You’ve got Adam too; he was 98.9% of the music on those records, and if he ever had any struggle with whatever — if he ever had any questions — I was always there to help with the arrangement of the songs. We really got the key components of those albums back together again, and I feel like the material that we’re coming up with is that perfect anchor to where you had ’Scars’ and ’Redefine’. I think this album is the next stage, the next album in line for SOIL.”

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