Soilwork julkaisi päivityksiä studiosta: Rumpuosuuksista lyhyitä videoita

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 21.4.2018

Ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Soilwork on parhaillaan studiossa nauhoittamassa uutta albumiaan, jonka julkaisua he suunnittelevat kuluvan vuoden syksylle. Bändi pitää fanejaan tilanteen tasalla muun muassa Instagramin kautta, josta löytyvät viimeisimmätkin päivitykset levyn tekoon liittyen.

Soilwork on kertonut saaneensa rumpuosuudet valmiiksi, ja tuoreella videoklipillä nähdään rumpali Bastian Thusgaardin nauhoitusta.

Hiljattain julkaistut videot:

@bastianthusgaard recording for upcoming album!!! #soilwork #album2018 #sw2018 #newalbum #newmusic #swedishmetal #melodicdeathmetal #nuclearblast #nuclearblastusa #nordicsoundlab #thepanicroom #yamahadrums #yamahamusic #zildjiancymbals

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Swedish visionary metallers SOILWORK have entered Nordic Sound Lab studios in Skara, Sweden, to begin recording their 11th album and follow-up to 2015’s critically acclaimed »The Ride Majestic«. The album will be the first to feature the addition of Bastian Thusgaard‘s (@thearcaneorderofficial , DAWN OF DEMISE) drumming. @bastianthusgaard replaced longtime drummer Dirk Verbeuren in 2016, who left the band to join @megadeth Thusgaard comments: “I‘m so proud of my achievements on this album. I was given a great amount of freedom both in writing and recording drum parts for it. Obviously, I wanted to honor the “drum-vibe” that has developed in the band through time. At the same time, I‘m very aware of the fact that I‘m a different drummer than my predecessors. Something I really wanted to showcase by adding my own vibe to the band‘s sound”. Björn “Speed” Strid continues: ”On this new album we have gone back to classic heavy metal basics but with a twist of our own legacy of sound, with soaring melancholic melodies at a sometimes furious tempo and great diversity. People will recognize the vibe that we’ve had on the latest 2 albums, but we feel that we’ve taken our sound even further, with more energy, darker elements but yet uplifting structure.” The band is joined in Skara by engineer and producer Thomas “Plec” Johansson (The Panic Room). The new album is scheduled to be released in fall via Nuclear Blast Records. Stay tuned for more!!! #soilwork #album2018 #sw2018 #newalbum #newmusic #swedishmetal #melodicdeathmetal #nuclearblast #nuclearblastusa #nordicsoundlab #thepanicroom

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