Soilwork esiintymässä The Circuksessa

Soilwork nimesi vakituisen rumpalinsa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 19.4.2017
Soilwork esiintymässä The Circuksessa

Ruotsalaisen metalliyhtye Soilworkin pitkäaikainen rumpali Dirk Verbeuren liittyi viime vuonna Megadethin riveihin, minkä seurauksena bändi nimesi kiertuerumpalikseen tämän rumpuoppilaan Bastian Thusgaardin. 25-vuotias Thusgaard vakuutti Soilworkin kymmenen kuukautta kestäneellä kokeilujaksollaan, joka ylsi myös Suomeen osana yhtyeen Euroopan kiertuetta yhdessä Kreatorin, Sepulturan sekä Abortedin kanssa. Yhtye onkin nyt nimennyt hänet vaikutuiseksi rumpalikseen ja tiedottaa asiasta seuraavaa:

“We are super stoked to announce Bastian Thusgaard as our permanent drummer. He’s been touring with us for quite a while and has been nothing short of amazing to work with, both on a musical level and on a personal level. Taking over after Dirk must have been pretty hard, but he has proven, time and time again, through our tours through North America, South America and Europe, that he is the perfect man for the job.

Bastian is only 25 years old and already possesses such great groove and fantastic technique. We can’t wait to see, how his ability will take us to the next level while we write our next album. It will be a beast, there’s no doubt about it. We have so much left to say musically and Bastian will be the perfect drummer, to help the band evolve on our constant musical journey. Give Bastian a warm welcome everyone!”

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Thusgaard on itse kommentoinut aihetta seuraavasti:

“First and foremost, I would like to thank Björn, Sven, David, Sylvain, Markus and everyone else involved in the Soilwork team for their very warm welcome. I want to thank Dirk for his guidance, support and ability to inspire young drummers like myself, to put in the hours needed in order to make it to this level.

He is the reason that I’ve had my life’s best musical experiences during these past ten months. To the fans that I’ve already met around the world and all the wonderful people surrounding me, thank you for your great support and positive feedback. It has truly been overwhelming.

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I am truly honoured to be given the opportunity to continuously work with Soilwork, a band that I grew up listening to and one of the key elements of my musical education. I am 100% committed to Soilwork and am looking forward to create music with my childhood heroes and to see what the future will bring. See you all on the road.”