Soilworkilta uusi musiikkivideo
Ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Soilwork on julkaissut musiikkivideon kappaleeseen nimeltä ”Death In General” liittyen. Kappale on peräisin yhtyeen tuoreelta ”The Ride Majestic” -nimiseltä albumilta, joka julkaistiin hiljattain Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Voit katsoa yhtyeen uuden videon tästä:
Yhtyeen vokalisti Björn ”Speed” Strid on kommentoinut yhtyeen tuoretta musiikkivideota seuraavasti:
“Recording the video for ’Death In General’ was absolutely spectacular. After finishing up our North American tour at the Whisky in Hollywood, we got up at 5am the next morning and drove into the desert. Joshua Tree is truly a magical place and was the perfect setting for this song and the mystical feeling it generates. BLIND MELON guitarist Christopher Thorn was very kind to let us use his land for the shoot and he also welcomed us into his home. Director Hristo Shindov and his assistants did a fantastic job, capturing the vibe of the song with stunning footage. The dancers, Daisy and Flannery also did an absolute outstanding job, as they danced in the sunset. Truly magical. We are very proud to present this video for one of the most powerful songs that we have ever written. Hope you enjoy it and that you somewhat can imagine the feeling we had while recording it!. We highly recommend sipping on a real good tequila or mezcal while watching it…”
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