The Nightflight Orchestra

Soilworkin ja Arch Enemyn jäsenten luotsaamalta The Night Flight Orchestralta uusi albumi toukokuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.3.2017

Klassista rockia soittava mm. Soilwork-jäsenistä koostuva superkokoonpano The Night Flight Orchestra on julkaisemassa seuraavaa albumiaan toukokuussa. Yhtye on asettanut tulevan albuminsa nimeksi ”Amber Galactic” ja se tullaan julkaisemaan toukokuun 19. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Soilworkissa laulava Björn ”Speed” Strid on kertonut albumista seuraavaa:

”»Amber Galactic« was made during late nights and way too early mornings, when sometimes, in the corner of your eye, you can catch a glimpse of another dimension, where all the women are heartbroken space commanders in evening gowns, the champagne is always free and the drugs won’t hurt you. We wanted to create more than just a listening experience, instead we want it to be an alternative reality. We hope that after listening to »Amber Galactic«, you’ll be wide-eyed, horny and slightly drunk.”

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kitaristi David Andersson lisää:

”Musicianship in itself is not interesting, neither are the technical aspects of creating music. The ideas and visions behind the music are the only things really worthy of in-depth discussions. We’ve all reached a point where we can all pretty much play and sing whatever we want. We didn’t talk much about chord changes or amplifiers during the recording sessions. But we spent a lot of time discussing Kierkegaard’s concept of anxiety, different vintages of sparkling wine, the psychoacoustic aspects of modulation, the innate superiority of women and why a pearl necklace always look better when whoever wears it has a bored expression on her face.”

The Nightflight Orchestra:
Björn Strid – Laulu
Sharlee D’Angelo – Basso
David Andersson – Kitara
Richard Larsson – Koskettimet
Jonas Källsbäck – Rummut
Sebastian Forslund – Kitara / Perkussio

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