Sonic Syndicate hylkäsi albumin verran materiaalia ennen uuden albumin nauhoituksia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.7.2016

Sonic Syndicate 2016Ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Sonic Syndicate on julkaissut Youtuben kautta videon, jossa yhtyeen laulaja Nathan Biggs, kitaristi Robin Sjunnesson sekä basisti Michel Bärzén kertovat yhtyeen tulevan albumin valmistumisesta. Tuoreen videon mukaan yhtye on hylännyt albumin verran valmista materiaalia ennen studioon siirtymistä uuden tyylin löytämiseksi. Voit katsoa videon sekä lukea keskustelua yhtyeen tulevan albumin suuntauksesta tästä:

Nathan: ”I think we always make a conscious effort to not repeat ourselves, definitely.”

Robin: ”And we say it all the time, but that’s how it is: we never repeat ourselves. Every album is like a new experiment for us. But this one is definitely a completely new sound.”

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Nathan: ”This one’s unique in the fact that we literally haven’t decided anything or limited ourselves to anything. We have literally just gone from whatever the hell we wanna write, whatever feeling it is.”

Robin: ”We wrote almost a completely full album, and we were kind of pretending, ’Yeah, this is good. This is good.’ But you could feel it: ’Nah, it’s not there. It’s not where we wanna take this.’ So we basically just trashed it.”

Nathan: ”We got our own studio and we did pre-production, and we had at least ten finished songs. We liked some of them, and some of them were really heavy and really rocking, but we were just like, ’It’s not quite there. It’s not good enough. Is this what we wanna do?’ And we scrapped the whole record. And then we literally just wrote from the heart, with no limitations on genre or anything.”

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Robin: ”Exactly. We kind of agreed: ’Let’s just write whatever comes now.’ Like, ’What’s on the fingertips? What do we wanna do right now?’ And I guess that’s also why the new album is… We all love it.”

Nathan: ”I’ve never enoyed recording an album this much before — just pure fun from our side.”

Robin: ”We’re trying out new stuff that we haven’t tried before, and that’s fun.”

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