Sonja sopimukseen Century Media Recordsin kanssa — uusi single ”Discretion For The Generous” nyt ulkona videon kanssa

Kirjoittanut Atte Itkonen - 14.4.2024

Century Media Records solmi sopimuksen philadelphialaisen Sonja-yhtyeen kanssa. Samaan aikaan yhtye julkaisi myös uuden singlen nimeltään ”Discretion for the Generous”. Kappaleelle kuvattiin musiikkivideo, ja voit katsoa sen alta. Yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Melissa Moore kommentoi:

It’s a potent experience to write, record, film a video at my home, and immediately release a song that is literally encompassing my life right now. Sonja is our Goddess and she despises compromise. We exist for her extreme desire and as such we are full-on at all times. To create the art worthy of her name we rip through our realities into the new planes of existence she demands. We are grateful for those who join us on this path of serving her.

Century Media Recordsin A&R Mike Gitter toivotti Sonjan tervetulleeksi:

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”When we first heard Sonja’s Loud Arriver, it was as full of heaviness, angst, sexuality and heart as a rock record could be. Like the band itself, it both challenged and waved a bloody sword for the classic and the contemporary. ‘Discretion For the Generous,’ in true Sonja fashion, occupies the space where Manowar, Danzig and Mercyful Fate conjure and conquer at the best late night party you can imagine. Century Media is proud to be Sonja’s new label home.”