Sooloalbuminsa julkaisua valmisteleva Corey Taylor heittää bändikaverinsa diplomaattisesti bussin alle tuoreessa Forbesin haastattelussa
Slipknotista ja Stone Sourista tunnettu laulaja Corey Taylor julkaisee uransa ensimmäisen sooloalbumin nimeltä ”CMFT” lokakuun 2. päivä RoadRunner Recordsin kautta. Corey antoi albumistaan hiljattain KaaosTV:lle videohaastattelun, jossa kehui vuolaasti albumilla mukana ollutta työryhmää, mutta heitti hieman lokaa Slipknot-bändikavereidensa suuntaan kertoen, että levyn tekeminen yhtyeen kanssa ei aina ole niin nautittavaa, kun osa yhtyeen jäsenistä on lähtökohtaisesti niin negatiivisia ihmisiä. Nyt Coreylta on tuoreessa Forbesin haastattelussa kysytty aiheesta lisää, ja Taylor on diplomaattisesti vastatessaan heittänyt vain lisää lokaa bändikavereidensa suuntaan. Corey vertaili työskentelyään sooloalbuminsa parissa työskentelyyn Stone Sourin ja Slipknotin kanssa seuraavasti:
”I can sum it up like this. It was the first time in years that I was surrounded by people, every one of those people were just as hungry as I was again. Does that make sense?
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThat’s me being very diplomatic, that’s me not trying to throw any of my brothers under the bus, but it’s the first time in a long time that I was surrounded by people who wanted to make music for the same reason that I did, and that was just to make incredible music, being excited about the opportunity to make something massive.
Being so f***ing energized and stoked that you can feel it in a recording, you can hear it in the music, you can see it when we’re playing it. It’s been a long, long, long time since I was surrounded by people who were just as geeked to make music, f*** selling it, f*** playing it, f*** any of that, making music because it gives us so much joy. I haven’t felt that in a very, very long time.
So that’s what I meant. I don’t give a s*** about any of that stuff man, I make music for me first, then I share it with people. If I’m not into it, I don’t put it out there. I never will.
That’s the only reason to do it righteously, if I happen to make money, that’s awesome too. I can pay my bills, take care of my people, but I don’t have a Lamborghini, I don’t have a solid-gold toilet, I don’t give a s*** about any of that stuff. The only thing that matters to me is making music that I want to f***ing hear back. I can’t say that about a lot of the people that I’m in a band with. Either band. But I can say that about this band. There it is.”