Soulfly basisti jätti yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.7.2010

Yhdysvaltalainen metalli yhtye Soulflyn sekä yhtyeen riveissä soittaneen basisti Bobby Burnssin tiet ovat eronneet. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Soulflyn virallinen lehdistötiedote asiasta.

“As was announced by Roadrunner Records, Soulfly have indeed parted ways with bassist Bobby Burns. The split was completely amicable and there was no animosity on either side.

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Earlier yesterday, Bobby posted the following message on his Twitter page in regards to the decision: “To all the fans… Soulfly and I have decided to part ways. Stay tuned for my next projects already in the works. Thanks 4 ur support!!!”

Johny Chow, who plays with Max and Marc in Cavalera Conspiracy (and is also a member of Fireball Ministry), will be loaning his skills to upcoming Soulfly tours for the immediate future until the position is filled. Fans will be able to check out this lineup of the band out on the second leg of the Omen tour beginning at the end of July.”

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