Soundgarden-kitaristi Kim Thayil: ”Saatamme julkaista albumillisen Chris Cornellin laulamia kappaleita tulevaisuudessa”
Yhdysvaltalaisen grungen legendan, Soundgardenin kitaristi Kim Thayil on paljastanut tuoreessa Sirius XM:n ”Trunk Nation LA Invasion” -ohjelman haastattelussa, että bändi saattaa julkaista kokonaisen albumin verran Chris Cornellin laulamia kappaleita tulevaisuudessa. Thayilin mukaan bändillä on ainakin albumillisen verran Chris Cornellin laulamaa materiaalia valmiina eri demoissa, mutta ongelmana on materiaalin kasaaminen yhteen eri paikoista sekä niiden miksaus ja masterointi. Mies kertoi mahdollisesta Soundgardenin albumista seuraavaa:
“It is entirely possible, because that’s what we were doing… We definitely have another record in us. Stuff that’s written, stuff that’s demoed and recorded — certainly. All it would need is to take the audio files that are available. I’d tighten up the guitar stuff that’s on there, add other stuff. Ben [Shepherd] does the bass. Matt [Cameron] is able to get the drums he wants. We can get the producers we want to make it sound like a Soundgarden record. And yes, we can totally do that.”
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Kim Thayalin mukaan keikkailu Soundgardenin nimen alla ei kuitenkaan yhtyettä kiinnosta, joten bändiä tuskin tullaan näkemään tien päällä esittämässä albumin musiikkia toisen laulajan esittämänä. Aiheesta Thayil kertoi seuraavaa:
“Reasonably, you’ve got a big part missing. So, I think in terms of the Soundgarden catalog, that’s still gonna be active as best as it can be. In terms of unreleased recordings, live material, I’m still gonna attend to that; that’s my gig. I love that. Let’s make records.
I do not see, given the commitments that other band members have, given our sentiments and love for Chris, I do not see us reconfiguring a tour or anything, as other bands have done in the past, without him.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThis is really complicated, but I’ve known Chris since I was a kid, basically — we grew up together, our early 20s. You want to honor the work and legacy you did. Is it best to regard it with dignity and let it rest? Do you want to honor it by celebrating the music and work that he’s done?”