Static-X julkaisee uuden ”Project: Regeneration Vol. 2” -albuminsa marraskuussa: Kuuntele edesmenneen Wayne Staticin tulkinta Nine Inch Nailsin ”Terrible Lie” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.2.2023

Industrial-/vaihtoehtometallia esittävä Static-X on julkaisemassa uuden ”Project: Regeneration Vol 2.” -nimisen albuminsa marraskuun 3. päivä. Yhtyeen vuonna 2014 menehtyneen laulajan Wayne Staticin viimeisiä julkaisemattomia ääniraitoja sisältävältä albumilta on nyt julkaistu kuunneltavaksi bändin tulkinta Nine Inch NailsinTerrible Lie” -kappaleesta ja voit katsoa kappaleesta julkaistun videon artikkelin lopusta. Static-X:n basisti Tony Campos kertoo tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

“I am so happy that the recording for ‘Project Regeneration: Vol. 2‘ is finally finished, and the album is currently being mixed by our long-time producer Ulrich Wild. The only thing left is for the vinyl manufacturing to be completed.

I am proud to say that between Project Regeneration: Vol. 1‘ and ‘Project Regeneration: Vol. 2‘, we have been able to bring the fans 25 brand new Static-X songs, most of which feature Wayne Static on lead vocals. Nobody would have imagined that any of this could even be possible a few short years ago.”

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Vuonna 2014 menehtyneen laulaja Wayne Staticin nuorempi sisko Aimee kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

“We all miss Wayne very much and we are so proud of the way that the band has chosen to honor him through the completion of his final works. They continue to place an emphasis on his presence within their live shows and it’s been incredible to see the fans continue to connect with the band’s music and with Wayne‘s memory. We fully support the journey that Static-X is currently on, and we know that Wayne would be incredibly grateful for all of the hard work that Tony, Ken, Koichi, and Xer0 have done over the past few years.”

Static-X:n uusi laulaja, josta käytetään nimeä Xer0 kertoo levystä seuraavaa:

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“We are so grateful to Wayne’s family for giving us their blessings and trusting us to complete Wayne’s final works. This has been an incredibly challenging task, to say the least, and it has all been done with an immense amount of love and respect. I am also grateful to all of the Static-X fans around the world for all of the love and support they have shown towards me.”