Steve Harris Blaze Bayleyn aikaisista Iron Maiden -albumeista: ”Se oli tärkeä osa uraamme”
Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Iron Maidenin Blaze Bayleyn aikaiset albumit ”The X Factor” sekä ”Virtual XI” ovat aina jakaneet mielipiteitä niin puolesta kuin vastaan. Iron Maidenin basisti Steve Harris on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Fozzysta tutun Chris Jerichon luotsaamalle ”Talk Is Jericho” -podcastille, jossa on kertonut oman mielipiteensä kyseisiin albumeihin liittyen. Steve Harrisin mukaan ”The X Factor” lukeutuu yhdeksi miehen omista suosikeista bändin tuotannossa, koska se on Harrisille niin henkilökohtainen. Steve Harris kertoi albumista sekä Blaze Bayleyn aikaisista albumeista seuraavaa:
”I really like that album. It’s very personal to me. I remember saying at the time that those albums that we did with Blaze, that people would in the future come to appreciate them a lot more later on. And they are — they are starting to do that now. They definitely are appreciating them a lot more now. They were bloody good albums, in my opinion. It was just a point in time where, whatever we were going through at the time, I think it brought out some really good stuff.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I really like that album, and that era as well. We were fighting — everyone was kind of fighting at the time, because everyone thought metal was going down and all this. And it was, to a certain degree — but it makes you fight, makes you change and fight harder. I like that. There’s an element to it, a fire in it, that’s very important. It’s an important part of our career. Every career has highs and lows and ups and downs, whether Bruce [Dickinson] is in the band or not, and it is what it is. You just ride the waves, really. At the moment, we’re on the crest of a wave, which is fantastic. You take it all day long, but you never know what’s around the corner, really.”
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