Stone Temple Pilots studioon Linkin Park vokalistin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.6.2013

Stone Temple Pilots 2013Yhdysvaltalainen rockia soittava Stone Temple Pilots on siirtynyt studioon yhdessä Linkin Park vokalisti Chester Benningtonin kanssa nauhoittamaan seuraavaa albumiaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Chesterin viesti asiaan liittyen.

“When you get together and put a new piece in, there’s a whole different energy. For us the creative juices have just been flowing – we’ve been writing, we have tons of great ideas. Next week we’re going back in the studio and hammering out some more music.”

“We don’t have a label. Everything we’re doing is on our own, so we’re just taking it one track at a time. We would love to sit down and hammer out a record, but the reality is we’re gonna make music, we’re gonna make a lot of it, and we’re gonna be in a position to release a single at a time, go out and really give people music the way they want to get it. It is a good position to be in, and for us, all we care about is going out, making the legacy as great as it needs to be, as great as people expect it to be, and coming out with new music that lives up to that standard.”

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