Stray From The Path kiinnitetty SharpTone Recordsille – uusi single ”Kubrick Stare” julkaistu
Stray From The Path on tehnyt sopimuksen SharpTone Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye julkaisi sen kunniaksi uuden ”Kubrick Stare” -singlen musiikkivideon kera. Bändi on suuntaamassa pian Euroopan kiertueelle Spiritboxin kanssa.
Kitaristi Tom Williams kertoo kappaleesta:
”It felt like we were capturing lightning in a bottle. We built the song around those scary chords. Every day, people on the Internet see the craziest things they’ve ever seen in their lives. Sometimes, it’s hard to feel seriously about these atrocities because we see them all day. You’re so numb to it that you’re just staring blankly.
It’s unfortunately become normal, and it’s driving us crazy. Hence, the ’Kubrick Stare’ reference — which was a tactic Stanley Kubrick used to show a character losing his mind. We’re locked into our phones, and we probably look like Jack looking out of the window in The Shining.”Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
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