Kuva: Rasmus Põld

Strych:9 koeponnistaa rajoja tuoreen musiikkivideon turvin

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 18.9.2022

Vuonna 2018 Virossa perustettu metalliyhtye Strych:9 on julkaissut uuden kappaleen ”Pretty Boy”. Bändin basisti Jüri Kallas kommentoi kappaletta seuraavasti:

“The most forthcoming emotions through this video are humility and self-hatred. Whole storyline has been greatly influenced by the assassination of world-famous fashion designer Gianni Versace by serial killer Cunanan back in 1997.”

Kitaristi Ants Reiu jatkaa:

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“Pretty Boy as a song on its own has been a sort of an undiscovered pearl for us, as initially we didn’t really pay much attention to it. Throughout the past year the song grew on us and on our listeres as well, making it worthwhile for us to show the story of the song in a video format. Jüri brought out the concept behind the video earlier, but viewers with trained eyes and ears definitely spot the fact that the lyrics and the video don’t match with one-another. They don’t have to! We left the viewers enough room to use their fantasy, so everyone could enjoy their own interpretation.”