Suffokaten entisen laulajan Ricky Hooverin kipparoima Ov Sulfur julkaisi uuden ”Stained In Rot” -kappaleen videon kera

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.10.2022

Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcore-yhtye Suffokaten entisen laulajan Ricky Hooverin luotsaama metalliyhtye Ov Sulfur on julkaissut tänään uuden ”Stained In Rot” -nimisen kappaleen musiikkivideon kera. Hoover on kertonut tuoreesta kappaleesta, jonka videon on ohjannut Vicente Cordero (Cradle Of FilthSuicide Silence) seuraavaa:

“‘Stained In Rot‘ is the heaviest song I’ve been a part of vocally and lyrically. It’s about bringing to light the fact that religion and government are constantly trying to become one and change the world into a theocracy. It’s about showing the horrors that have happened under that way of thinking and control. It’s about pulling out the truth and shoving it back in the faces of religionists while the ‘truth’ they be forced to believe crumbles around them.”

Kitaristi-laulaja Chase Wilson lisää:

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“We knew we had to release this song on The Pain Remains Tour, as it has more of a slamming, brutal death metal riffing ala Aborted and Ingested, but it’s also got the blackened deathcore sound that fits in with Lorna Shore and Angelmaker. It’s crushingly heavy yet teases some of Ricky‘s expanded vocal chops via a little bit of singing. Yes, that’s Ricky on the chorus!”