Suicide Silence kitaristi kommentoi tuntemuksiaan Mitch Luckerin kuolemaan sekä yhtyeen jatkoon liittyen
Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcorea soittavan Suicide Silencen kitaristi Chris Garza on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Music Feedz -nimiselle sivustolle, jossa kertoo yhtyeen vähentäneen juhlimistaan rajusti yhtyeen vokalistin Mitch Luckerin kuoleman jälkeen. Samassa haastattelussa mies kertoo, että yhtye ei oikeastaan keskustellut lainkaan jatkamisesta tai lopettamisesta vokalistin kuoleman jälkeen, vaan päätös jatkamisesta syntyi luonnollisesti ajan parantaessa haavat. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Chrisin mietteitä asiaan liittyen.
Kuinka Mitchin kuolema on vaikuttanut yhtyeeseen:
“I was pretty, like, in shock with myself at like how much you can get done in an effective manner when you’re not always drunk. I’m like ‘oh shit’—you know, that’s why people stop drinking and stop doing drugs; because you get a lot done. It was nice to share that with most of my band. I think Mark, especially, he stopped a lot of stuff and Alex too and it was nice to be in a band again and us all have fun and be happy. All those positive vibes really came out in our music.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“Unfortunately, it took one of our best friends passing for us to get our heads out of our ass, for us to really take our job seriously again. We all have positive vibes, the whole camp you know, like us, the crew, the management, the label, it’s all very positive.”
Miettikö yhtye missään vaiheessa lopettamista Mitchin kuoleman jälkeen?
“We never talked about continuing and we never talked about quitting. So it was like an unspoken thing, because with some people, a tragic happening, the last thing you want to do is like talk about it. When everybody sat down, ‘are we gonna quit?’, ‘are we gonna keep going?’ It was an unspoken thing, like, let’s just let time have its place, and let everything happen organically.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyAnd once some time really passed and it was getting closer, it was time to start thinking. I, personally, there was sometimes I went, ‘Alright, I think it’s time to fucking hang up.’ But you know if I want to continue the band or not, you know, I have no choice. I think keeping the SS brand going and the name going keeps Mitch alive. And I think it would be completely disrespectful to Mitch and everything that he worked for if we stopped going or we changed the name, etc. etc.”