Suicide Silence

Suicide Silencen Eddie Hermidaa syytetään naisen seksuaalisesta ahdistelusta: julkaisi virallisen vastineen aiheesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.11.2017

Viime aikoina lukuisat eri naiset ovat tulleet julkisuuteen seksuaaliseen ahdisteluun keskittyvään kampanjaan liittyen. Marilyn Mansonista tuttu basisti Twiggy sai lähtöpassit bändistä, ja nyt myös Suicide Silencen laulaja Eddie Hermida on joutunut Verena -nimisen naisen syytöksien kohteeksi. Verena on paljastanut Eddien ahdistelleen häntä seksuaalisesti internetin kautta naisen ollessa vasta 17-vuotias. Verenan viestit voit lukea tästä:


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Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
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Eddie on nyt julkaissut oman vastineensa Verenan syytöksille ja voit lukea sen tästä:

“I apologize, first and foremost, to Verena, that she feels hurt, manipulated, and otherwise distressed by any of our past communication. I want to apologize to the people who support my work as a musician (both the fans and behind the scenes) for the discomfort, distrust, and damage these allegations have caused.

Most importantly, I would ask the music community to abstain from ridiculing, ostracizing, or otherwise harassing this young woman. It’s difficult enough for women to come forward with allegations about the behavior of men under any circumstances.

When Verena told me she’d turned 18, I believed her. I made it clear that our conversations should not be of a sexual nature until that time. However I have learned the lesson, the hard way, that it was wrong to engage in any kind of intimate conversations with someone so much younger than me.

I was raised by a single mom who taught me to be respectful to all women. I am ashamed that I have failed. I hope to earn the respect and approval of our fans and to prove that I am not the person this would seem to suggest.

Now more than ever, the responsibility falls on men to be mindful of our words and actions with people, and to listen to the voices of those who come forward, with respect and dignity.

I am here and I am listening.

– Eddie Hermida“