Suicide Silencen kitaristi yhtyeensä tulevasta albumista: ”Työstimme sitä ikään kuin se jäisi viimeiseksi levyksemme”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 12.7.2016

Suicide Silence 2015Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcore-jättiläisen Suicide Silencen kitaristi Mark Heylm kertoo tuoreessa Metal Wani -haastattelussaan yhtyeensä tulevasta albumista, joka äänitettiin aiemmin tänä vuonna tuottaja Ross Robinsonin (Korn, Slipknot)  kanssa. Hän paljasti, että albumia ei olla vielä miksattu tai masteroitu, mutta kuvaili sitä seuraavasti:

“It’s the furthest we’ve dove into ourselves as a band and as individual artists. We really went into this record as if it was going to be… With no intention of calling the band quits, we kind of just put it out saying, if we all die after this record came out, let’s just pretend that this is the last thing that we’re ever going to be able to write. Like don’t hold anything back, just go for it. Play what you feel and let your heart be the guide.

It was a very fun process to put together and to work on. But at the same time, it was one of those things where we were just an open book for each other. The songs we were writing, the topics of them, were very personal. …We’re not really kids anymore so this record is where we’re at now, what we’ve been through and it’s going to be an adventure, it’s a journey. I’ve got the record right now on my phone and I still listen to it almost every day cause I love it so much, and it’s not even mixed yet.”

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