Suicide Silencen uusi albumi ilmestyy heinäkuussa
Yhdysvaltalainen deathcorea soittava Suicide Silence on asettanut tulevan albuminsa nimeksi ”You Can’t Stop Me”. Yhtyeen tuleva albumi tullaan julkaisemaan Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta heinäkuun 11. päivä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen kitaristin Mark Heylmunin viesti albumiin liittyen.
”Mitch left behind a set of lyrics with the title ’You Can’t Stop Me’. This gave us chills, to say the least, and we knew we had the title and title track. This filled us with inspiration for writing sessions to empower us and empower you, the supporters of SUICIDE SILENCE.
”We as a band (and Steve Evetts) worked tirelessly on this record and I’m not gonna say we can’t wait for you to hear it. I’m gonna tell you that you have to hear it. You have to sit and listen from start to finish.
”I’m not gonna tell you this is our best record we’ve ever done. I’m gonna tell you this is the record we care more about than any record we’ve ever done. This is a record that we fought, bled, sweated, and fucking cried over.
”Go pick up a copy and turn this sucker up to eleven.
”We couldn’t be more excited.
”Thank you all for supporting SUICIDE SILENCE.”