Suicide Silencen vokalisti Hernan ”Eddie” Hermida teki paluun All Shall Perishin riveihin
Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcorea soittavan Suicide Silencen vokalisti Hernan ”Eddie” Hermida on tehnyt paluun entisen yhtyeensä All Shall Perishin riveihin. Yhtye on päättänyt kasata rivinsä uudestaan ja aikookin aloittaa kohta puolin nauhoittamaan uutta albumiaaan vuoden 2016 julkaisua varten. Bändi joutui lyhyeksi aikaa tauolle käytyään taistelun oikeudessa nimestään sekä maksamattomista rojalteista. Yhtyeen alkuperäinen basisti Mike Tiner hävisi kuitenkin oikeustaistelun neljälle muulle alkuperäiselle jäsenelle ja täten yhtye pystyy tekemään comebackin lähes alkuperäisessä kokoonpanossaan. Voit katsoa yhtyeen tämän hetkisen kokoonpanon tästä:
October 21, 2015 at 4:29pm, We are descending on California and the world….
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyHappy Back To The Future Day from All Shall Perish!
“DOC! THIS IS HEAVY!” – Marty McFly
San Francisco, CA – How perfect that today is Back to the Future Day! All Shall Perish co-founders Matt Kuykendall, Ben Orum, and Caysen Russo are back together with Hernan “Eddie” Hermida and Chris Storey. (Start the DeLorean!). The “deathcore” titans hailed by fellow Bay Area dwellers like Kirk Hammett (Metallica) and Robb Flynn (Machine Head) are making new music. Hermida fronted ALL SHALL PERISH on all three of their most recent albums: The Price of Existence (2006), Awaken the Dreamers (2008), and This is Where it Ends (2011). Hermida will continue in his role as full-time vocalist for Suicide Silence. Orum plays guitar on all four All Shall Perish albums. Kuykendall, who created the name All Shall Perish, drums on all but the most recent. Storey was a fan-favorite guitarist from 2003 to 2009. Hate, Malice, Revenge (2003) era guitarist Russo returns to the fold. Original vocalist Craig Betit also plans to contribute.
Nearing the conclusion of a legal arbitration over control of the band’s name, unpaid royalties, and other assets, bassist Mike Tiner declined a personal invitation from Kuykendall to rejoin his ex-bandmates. The legal system ultimately ruled in favor of the four out of five original members, their longtime vocalist, and guitarist. Russo will handle bass duties for ALL SHALL PERISH.
Hermida, Storey, Kuykendall, Orum, Russo, and Betit now look forward to putting their music in front of the court of public opinion: the fans, ensuring the legacy of ALL SHALL PERISH remains secure. Back to the Future Day, indeed!
All Shall Perish vuosimallia 2015:
Hernan ”Eddie” Hermida – Vocals
Ben Orum – Guitar
Chris Storey – Guitar
Caysen Russo – Bass
Matt Kuykendall – Drums
Craig Betit – Additional VoKills