Sully Erna toivoo Godsmackin nousevan Euroopan-festivaalien pääesiintyjäksi vuonna 2020 tai 2021

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.7.2019

Yhdysvaltalaisen raskasta rockia soittavan Godsmackin laulaja Sully Erna on antanut hiljattain Hellfestissä soitetun keikan yhteydessä United Rock Nationsille haastattelun, jossa hän on paljastanut yhtyeen aikovan keskittyä kiertueissaan yhä enemmän Eurooppaan noustakseen samaan asemaan Euroopassa kuin bändi on kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa. Sully on haastattelussa toivonut bändin nousevan monen eri festivaalin pääesiintyjäksi vuonna 2020 tai 2021. Erna kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”We’re out here doing our work in Europe. We know that we’re a little behind, because we had some problems in the past with our record label, and then whenever we tried to come here, we would run into bad luck. We had a tour booked last fall, and then our guitar player’s son passed away. It just seems like it’s always against us trying to get here. But we made a commitment that no matter what, we’re not gonna complain; we’re just gonna come here and do the work, play the smaller venues, go on a little earlier at festivals. But I promise you that we are coming back over and over again, and by next year, if not 2021, you’re gonna see us headlining these festivals, if not going on very close to the last band.”

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”We’re trying to make it so we can at least do what we do in America anywhere in the world,” he explained. ”That’s the goal for Europe. France, Spain, U.K., anywhere in Europe, we wanna be able to get to a level where we can bring our production and show the European audiences what we do for real, on a big stage with our production. That’s the goal. And if that means we have to take some smaller steps to get there, then that’s the work we’re committed to doing. It’s all part of the plan, and I know we’re coming back in March to do another European tour and headlining.”