Suomeen joulukuussa saapuvalla Dee Sniderilla ei ole intoa tehdä enää pitkiä kiertueita: ”En ole mikään The Rolling Stones!”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.11.2018

Yhdysvaltalaisesta rockin legendasta Twisted Sisterista tuttu laulaja Dee Snider saapuu Suomeen kolmelle keikalle joulukuussa. Dee tulee omien keikkojensa lisäksi ottamaan osaa Raskasta Joulua -kiertueeseen esiintyen Rauman Kivikylä Areenassa 4. päivä joulukuuta sekä Helsingin Hartwall Areenassa 8. päivä joulukuuta. Dee on antanut hiljattain keikkailemiseensa liittyen haastattelun The Animal House Radio Show:lle, jossa on todennut aikovansa keikkailla tulevaisuudessa yhä vähemmän ikääntymisensä vuoksi. Dee on haastattelussa ottanut esimerkikseen Slayerin basisti-laulaja Tom Arayan, jonka selkä ja niska ovat menneet todella huonoon kuntoon lavalla riehumisen seurauksena. Dee ei sanomansa mukaan halua kokea samaa, vaan mielummin vähentää keikkailua, jotta pystyy antamaan lavalla aina kaikkensa. Aiheesta hän kertoi seuraavaa:

”Look, nobody beats gravity. Show me anybody in the history who’s beaten gravity. Everybody gets pulled down sooner or later. What did Dirty Harry say? ’A man’s gotta know his limitations.’ I feel I know things are wearing out — they’re wearing out. And I’m in great shape, I stay healthy, but you can’t beat gravity.”

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”One of the things that prompted me, and this is not a slight on SLAYER or Tom Araya in any fashion, but it was very disturbing. I read a review and it said, ’And Tom talked about the fact that he can no longer headbang onstage, ’cause he’s literally damaged his neck.’ And he says, ’I defined myself as the guy who thrashed onstage as hard as the audience, and now all I can do is stand there and groove.’ And I said, ’That’s what I don’t want to happen.’ I wanna get off the stage while I’m still [able to do what I am known for], and I was, throwing my body on the floor, crawling around, headbanging, thrashing. I’m out there performing [and] I don’t do those things anymore, because it’s like an athlete — you damage your stuff. But to be up there and to feel that… I just felt his pain, saying, ’I defined myself by thrashing and I can’t do it anymore. And I’m still up there.’ And it hurt me to hear him say it. And I said, ’I can’t have that be me.”

”People are asking me, ’Hey, ’For The Love Of Metal’, are you gonna do a full tour? And I’m, like, ’No!'” he said. ”And they’re, like, ’What do you mean ’no’?’ I said, ’Are you kidding me? I’m not getting back on the bus or the van.’ ’Well, THE [ROLLING] STONES are doing it.’ They’ve got private jets. They set up camp in the Alsatian mountains somewhere in France, in a big estate, and they fly out for each show in a private jet. I mean, somebody wipes their freakin’ ass, for god’s sake. If you’re on that level, awesome. But getting back and going city to city to city to city — no! It’s not happening.”

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