Suukopua ja sovintoa Twitterissä – Six Feet Underin laulaja Chris Barnesin sekä Dee Sniderin nopeat viestittelyt
Sosiaalinen media toimii kenttänä nopean riidan aloitukseen sekä lopetukseen. Yhdysvaltalaisen death metal -bändin Six Feet Underin laulaja Chris Barnes suuttui Twisted Sisterin laulaja Dee Sniderin kommenteista, joita tämä antoi haastattelussa Noisey -medialle. Dee Snider kertoi heittäneensä roskiin Cannibal Corpsen ensimmäisen levyn, jossa Chris Barnes toimi vielä laulajana. Katso Barnesin twiitit sekä miesten sovintoviestit tästä:
Noiseyn haastattelussa puhuttiin musiikin sensoroinnista ja ¨parental advisory’ -tarroista. Dee Sniderilta kysyttiin milloin musiikki menee liian pitkälle. Snider vastasi:
“I have been in radio for 25 years, and I once threw a record into the garbage: Cannibal Corpse‘s first record. I was disgusted, because to me, it wasn’t being artistic in any way. It was being vulgar and disgusting just for shock value. You talk about fucking a nun in the ass with a knife, it was literally—that was one of the songs!
I was reading the lyrics, and you know, I’m an artist, I’m for creativity, for exploration, give me something to say that this is your artistic statement, but when you’re just writing down the most despicable things you could possibly think of for the sake of shock, well, that to me isn’t art.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyySo, it that too far? That’s too far. Who am I to judge? Everyone can judge for themselves. Would I say they should still be allowed to make their music? No. Should their music be kept form people getting it? No. That’s the difference between a person who wants to decide for others, or who wants to decide for themselves.
That was one of my positions when I went to testify. As a parent, listen to this shit, decide, and control your world. Don’t ask the government to babysit your children. Judge for yourself, and do what you gotta do.”
Chris Barnesin ja Dee Sniderin twiitit:
It was just kinda dicked out to say that Dee
— Chris Barnes (@sixfeetofficial) October 30, 2016
@deesnider Ive been a fan since 84and to hear that you were so judgmental to throw our cd in the trash dude you stood up against censorship
— Chris Barnes (@sixfeetofficial) October 30, 2016
I apologize to @sixfeetofficial & @CorpseOfficial for what I said. Could have made my point without it. As Chris said, ”It was a dick move.”
— Dee Snider (@deesnider) October 30, 2016
I love you Dee! thank you, sorry I was so harsh. You’re a hero of mine#YouCantStopRockAndRoll
— Chris Barnes (@sixfeetofficial) October 30, 2016
@sixfeetofficial Fair enough Chris. I talked shit about your band, you talk shit about me. Quid pro quo.
— Dee Snider (@deesnider) October 30, 2016
Uutiskuva: Chris Barnes – promokuva