Svalbardilta tuore single ”Eternal Spirits” musiikkivideon kera
Bristolissa vuonna 2011 perustettu tummanpuhuvaa post-hardcorea soittava Svalbard on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Eternal Spirits”. Kappale sai seurakseen sähköisen ja energisen livemusiikkivideon, jonka näet ohessa.
”Eternal Spirits is one of the most tragic songs we have ever written, yet it is also a celebration of legacy and musical heritage. It is a song about late metal musicians who sadly passed away too soon and the loss we feel within the metal community without their presence. This song is a heartfelt tribute to our metal heroes who are gone but will never be forgotten, because their legacy lives on in the millions of hearts they have touched with their music. It’s crushing when your heroes die, but with this song we want to commemorate our late heroes glorious music and the legions of bands they have inspired. That inspiration will never die.
On a more personal level, Joey Jordison was the person who inspired me to pick up an instrument. I started learning drums when I was 12 years old because of the energy and passion he exuded from his playing. When I listened to his drumming, every hit gave me a surge of motivation. His creative spark lit a fire within me that will never be extinguished. I’d like to dedicate Eternal Spirits to his memory.”
Serena Cherry, SvalbardArtikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy