Swallow The Sunin kosketinsoittaja jättää yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 6.12.2016

Swallow The Sun 2015 2Kotimaisen melodista doom/death metallia soittavan Swallow The Sunin riveissä vuodesta 2001 vaikuttanut kosketinsoittaja Aleksi Munter on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen huomisen Houstonissa Teksasissa soitettavan keikan jälkeen. Voit lukea yhtyeen Facebookissa julkaiseman viestin tästä:

Dear friends!

There is no way to wrap up these news in a neat package so we post the original announcement by Aleksi on his facebook page. Huge respect and thanks to the a great guy for all the years! Our journey together will continue as friends!

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Tomorrow’s show in Houston, TX will be my last show with Swallow the Sun and mark my departure from the band.

I came to this decision during late summer 2016, when I had a burn out which I’m still struggling with. For the past 6 years I’ve been touring and working so much that it’s a small miracle this didn’t happen earlier. Not wanting to leave the guys hanging, and looking for some kind of closure for myself, I decided to force myself to do the shows for this year – even though I barely could find the energy for 1 show, let alone 40 – and then step down.

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In addition to burning out, I also sort of had enough, which I believe is as valid a reason as any. I’ve always had things I’ve had a passion for, but never could find the time or the energy to follow up on: photography, graphic design, my own music, among others. I will first take some time off, and then pursue these things I’ve pushed aside for all these years.

Then there is my beautiful soon-to-be wife Olenka, whom I have barely seen for the last year or two. With Aleah’s tragic and untimely passing I became painfully aware of the fact that nothing lasts forever, and I want to cherish the days we have while we’re both healthy and well. I’m afraid I have already damaged my own health, and I don’t want to end up there again.

These have been the best years of my life – hell, it’s been most of my adult life – and I will miss everyone I’ve gotten to know and love during our career and travels. Juha – you are an absolute genius and no one should have had to endure the things you had to. Over the years you, Mikko, Matti, Markus, Juuso, Kai, Pasi, our manager Juha, and our longtime crew members Mikko, Jarno and Toni have become my family in every sense of the word. I feel only the deepest respect and love towards you all, and I am incredibly proud of everything we accomplished together. I want to wish you all the best, but that would be kind of pointless: we have always been the best, and I know you will remain so.

Aleksi Munter

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Comment from Mikko Kotamäki, on the road from Texas;

Well, there’s no words. This is a big loss for our band. But there’s no regrets. Aleksi’s been my friend since i was 12 years old, way over half of my life. I think everyone should live their life how they feel the best, so we all respect Aleksi’s decision. It’s better for him if he feels that way. We’ll remain best friends forever no matter what happens.

Thank you so much for everything, dear friend! Mikko & the boys.

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ps. This will not affect our forthcoming shows. We’ll keep going!