Sylosis kerää tuoreella musiikkivideollaan ylistystä kanssamuusikoilta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.10.2015

Sylosis 2014Brittiläinen metalliyhtye Sylosis on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleestaan ”Servitude”. Eri festivaaleilla kuvattu video julkaistiin ensimmäisenä Metal Hammer -sivustolla, jonka artikkelissa muusikot mm. bändeistä Killswitch Engage, Trivium ja Tesseract ovat vuoroin ylistäneet brittiyhtyettä. Jos kaipaat hyviä riffejä tiistaihin, katso video täältä.

Kuten sanottua, nimekkäät artistit ovat kehuneet Sylosista vuolaasti. Tässä muutamia poimintoja:

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Jesse Leach (Killswitch Engage):

 ”When I first heard Sylosis they were another band on a list of bands that submitted to be support for Killswitch on a tour. I make it a point to research any band I am unfamiliar with so naturally I looked them up. The album Monolith had just dropped and good lord was I surprised when I heard it! This band is everything I love about good metal; killer riffs, solid guttural screams and a fast pace. All killer, no nonsense metal! I ended up becoming a fan that day, but after meeting them and watching them live it sealed the deal. They are one of the few bands I actually listen to on a regular basis (especially when cycling out in the Hudson Valley here in NY) and they are such a down to earth, salt of the earth group of guys. Sylosis are a top notch band and well deserving any and all recognition they get!”

Matt Heafy (Trivium):

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”Sylosis are a band that have melded the greatest aspects of modern metal’s best offerings into a sound uniquely and entirely their own. Moments of thrash, melodic death metal, death metal, and metalcore are but tools in the arsenal of Sylosis’s sonic landscape. Their diverse catalogue of songs show the breadth of what they are capable of. Sylosis are a band that shows metal is evolving in the right direction.”

James Monteith (Tesseract):

”Sylosis are without a doubt leading the charge for UK metal. Their precision, skill and ferociousness are unparalleled by most, and they are true masters of the riff. Josh’s phenomenal lead work oozes sophistication – silky sweeps and a strong melodic sensibility that is unique to him, he is without a doubt one of the top players in the game.”

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