System Of A Downin basistin Shavo Odadjianin kipparoiman North Kingsleyn ensimmäinen kappale kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisesta metallimusiikin jättiläisestä System Of A Downista tunnetun basistin Shavo Odadjianin uusi yhtye North Kingsley on julkaissut lyrikkkavideon uudesta ”Like That?” -nimisestä kappaleestaan. Kappale on peräisin bändin tulevalta ”Vol 1.” -nimiseltä EP:ltä, joka julkaistaan 14. päivä elokuuta. Shavolla oli seuraavaa kerrottavaa EP:hen liittyen:

“We’re giving you songs you can marinade on, instead of 12 songs all at once. There’s going to be a clip for every song, something visually for you to vibe on. I directed videos for System, I do stage production visuals for the band so that’s important to me. Saro has an incredible eye for creating new things visually and I act almost how a producer would on that and we are going to drop merch with every release, so it’s more than just music.”

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Projektin vaikutteista Shavo on kertonut lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavaa:

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“I’m known for playing metal but you can’t say it’s just metal – it has a lot of other influences in there. I did Achozen with RZA and that was straight hip-hop. North Kingsley is right in the middle. The kick and the hi-hats and the snare sounds punk. To me punk rock isn’t a style of music, it’s something you live. It’s a lifestyle and it means going against the grain and I heard that there, and we are putting it all together to create something exciting and new for today.”