Serj Tankian

System Of A Downin laulaja Serj Tankian julkaisi uuden soolokappaleensa Armeniasta

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 26.4.2020
Serj Tankian

Yhdyvaltalaisesta metallijätti System Of A Downista tunnettu laulaja Serj Tankian julkaisi uuden soolokappaleensa nimeltä ”Hayastane”. Kappaleen sanoituksissa on ote Armenian pääministeri Nikol Pašinjanin puheista, ja kaikki kappaleen tulot menevät My Step Foundation -hyväntekeväisyysjärjestölle, jota auttaa Armenian terveydenhoitoa, kulttuuria, sosiaalihuoltoa, ympäristöä ja muita toimia.

Tankian kertoo, että hän haluaa kappaleensa myötä antaa armenialaisille toivoa koronaviruksen aiheuttamaan haastavana aikana. Muusikko halusi kirjoitta kappaleen, joka edustaa armenialaista henkeä sekä sen menneisyyttä, nykyisyyttä ja tulevaisuutta.

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”During these challenging times of pandemic and lockdown, we wanted to give the people of Armenia a present of hope that they themselves can share with the world. The goal was to write a song that represented a victorious celebration of the Armenian spirit, covering the past, present, and future of our nation. Please enjoy!

100% of the revenues from this song will be donated to the My Step Foundation in Armenia. My Step Foundation is an amazing charity that is spearheading many meaningful initiatives within Armenia focusing on public health, education, culture, social welfare, environment along with other sectors in need, including the current crisis surrounding COVID-19.

Their current COVID-19 response for Armenian citizens include support to elderly groups, the disabled and other vulnerable populations in the country in the form of care packages, nutrition and hygiene products; the purchasing of vital medical supplies (masks, gloves, insulators, and other personal protective equipment) for medical and other first response teams within Armenia, and the purchasing and distribution of computers and tablets, while helping to provide education for students in need within vulnerable families in regions of severe distress.”

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