System Of A Downin Serj Tankian vihdoin leppymässä ajatukselle uudesta albumista? Puhui tulevasta albumista positiiviseen sävyyn

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.5.2016

System Of A Down 2015Yhdsyvaltalaisen metalli-yhtye System Of A Downin edellisestä albumista on kerinnyt vierähtää aikaa jo yli 10 vuotta ja bändin vokalisti Serj Tankian on tuntunut olevan se, joka on mielummin keskittynyt soolouransa luomiseen. Nyt Serj Tankian on hiljattain antanut RollingStonelle optimistisen haastattelun, jossa on kertonut System Of A Downin jäsenten olevan tällä hetkellä yhteydessä tiiviisti toisiinsa ja heittelevän ideoita ilmoille tulevan albumin materiaalin suhteen. Voit lukea Serj Tankianin ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:

“I’ve written a bunch of rock songs. We’ll see where they end up. I leave that vague on purpose because I don’t know what’s going to happen with them. Whether they become System or solo or whatever, we’ll see. Time will tell. And I’m waiting for a couple of friends of mine who have films that just got financing, so I’m waiting for them to shoot their film so I can start working on the soundtracks.

“…we’re communicating and trying to see if we can bring our material together. There’s definitely a lot of communication going on, a lot of back and forth. I can’t make a statement in terms of whether we’re going to have a record or not, because we haven’t gone into the studio and done it. But there’s definitely communication going on, songs being played to each other and all that stuff, so it’s good. We’ll see what happens.”

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“…I think it would be great to create something brand new in a new direction. It would be very exciting, but everyone’s got to be on board, on the same page, and it’s got to be done in a way so that everyone is happy. If we can do that, we’ll do it.”