Taiderockia Kroatiasta: Nordin uusi musiikkivideo Kaaoszinen ensinäytössä

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 15.3.2017

Kroatialainen taiderockia soittava Nord julkaisee debyyttialbuminsa nimeltä ”Play Restart” huhtikuun 24. päivä Geenger Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu uusi kappale nimeltä ”Shadows”, jonka voit kuunnella tästä musiikkivideon muodossa Kaaoszinen ensinäytön kautta:


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Kappaletta videoineen kuvaillaan seuraavasti:

”A lost soul seeking for light and orientation. A man desperately fighting darkness and bad spirits in a morbid cave with nothing but a single torch. It is nearly impossible not to see an art rock metaphor of modern society in the new video for “Shadows” from NORD’s upcoming album “Play Restart”. After the striking and emotional “So Alive”, lyrics and video for the band’s second single show a slightly darker note of the four Croatian’s debut album. NORD themselves appear in this video with an eldritch face paint.”

”Repeated like a mantra, the line “Let them burn in flames” has a very special meaning for singer Mihael Prosen: “It addresses all the individuals not accepted as part of this world because of their different life views and beliefs.” With his video, the young film maker David Šegić manages to capture the mystical, dark atmosphere and all the depth of the song by visualizing the individual’s battle for his soul against a seemingly omnipotent darkness in a unique and really impressive way. With all this having a very pessimistic appeal, Prosen also underlines the hopeful message of the downright very dark song: “It seems that lyrics such as ‘Embrace me for who I am’ and ‘Put a stop to this hate’ could easily be loudly and proudly shouted at NORD concerts by all those out there who still believe in a better tomorrow to come. Before we all disappear in shadows…”.”

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Aiemmin julkaistun musiikkivideon ”So Alive” -nimisestä musiikkivideosta voit katsoa tästä:

1. Lo-Hi
2. Running Man
3. Play Restart
4. Shadows
5. So Alive
6. Mexico
7. Killing Me, Killing You
8. Remake

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