Tallah julkaisi uuden singlen ”Vanilla Paste” musiikkivideon kera

Kirjoittanut Satu Haiko - 18.8.2021

Pennsylvanialainen nu metal yhtye Tallah on julkaissut uuden singlen nimeltä ”Vanilla Paste” Anthony Altamuran ohjaaman musiikkivideon kanssa. ”Vanilla Paste”- kappaleella vierailee useita artisteja, kuten Chelsea Grinistä ja Darkosta tunnettu Tom Barber, Fire From The Godsista  tuttu AJ  Channer ja Guerrila Warfaressa vaikuttava G.

Bändin keulahahmo Justin Bonitz kertoi Loudwirelle kappaleesta:

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“Basically about having bullshit forced down your throat, whether it is lies from the media, unimportant drama, abuse from a significant other, etc.

Vanilla Paste‘ represents something you are digesting which has no nutritional value or substance. It is just flavored paste. It tastes sweet and stimulates your senses, but it is not actually doing anything for you. You cannot survive off of nothing, and that is what that crap is, nothing. In this song, we have people who have been fed this ‘nothing’ their whole lives. They are tired of it and ready to make a change.”

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