Team Sleepin seuraava albumi Chino Morenon lauluja vaille valmis

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.7.2015

Team SleepYhdysvaltalaisen Deftonesin vokalistin Chino Morenon toinen yhtye Team Sleep on saamassa kovaa vauhtia valmiiksi seuraavaan albumiaan. Yhtyeellä on käytännössä kappaleet kirjoitettuna albumia varten ja niistä puuttuu enää Chino Morenon laulut. Moreno sai juuri viikko sitten valmiiksi Deftonesin tulevan vielä nimeämättömän albumin nauhoitukset ja nyt seuraavaksi vuorossa on tulevan Team Sleep -albumin laulujen nauhoitukset. Team Sleepin uutta albumia odotellaan julkaistavaksi vuoden 2016 aikana. Voit lukea Chino Morenon mietteitä Team Sleepin tulevaisuudesta miehen hiljattain Artistdirectille antamasta haastattelusta tästä: 

“It’s so awesome. It’s some of my favorite stuff to listen to. Pretty much everything is done instrumentally. Now, it’s time for me to tackle the vocals on it. I finished the Deftones record last week, so now I have time to dedicate to it. I usually make it a point to not overlap projects vocally. I don’t like to be working on two different records vocally at the same time because I didn’t want to crossbreed ideas. That’s bound to happen.

Basically, when I’m making a record, I feel like whatever that album is, no matter what band that is or what the music sounds like, I’m going to mirror where I am in my life—what emotions or what vibe I’m feeling—and it’s going to show through the music I’m working on at the time. It’s a snapshot of that time in my life.

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If I’m working on two records at the same time, it’s inevitable that the vibes are going to cross in those two records. With that being said, I try to not work on vocals on any two projects at the same time. Musically, I don’t mind working on different things. I usually wait until I’m completely done with something until I start another project vocally. Now that’s done, I think I’m going to start working on Team Sleep. Some of it may remain instrumental. It’s so awesome instrumentally that I think it might stay. I’m going to feel it out.

We’ve got like 20 songs. There’s some stuff that dates back to maybe 2004 and 2005 even. There’s some sample stuff from back in the day up to material written and recorded a couple of months ago, a lot of it with Gil playing on. A lot of it was recorded in Woodstock prior and up till a couple of weeks ago. That’s amazing, and it’s what I’m going to dig into next.”

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