Teksasilainen djent-yhtye Notion kiinnitetty Attila-nokkamiehen levy-yhtiölle

Teksasista ponnistava djent-yhtye Notion on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen Attilan nokkamies Chris Fronzakin Stay Stick Recordingsille. Bändi on samalla julkistanut myös uuden musiikkivideon kappaleeseen ”Wild Card”.
Voit katsoa videon tästä:
Bändin virallinen viesti aiheesta:
”Since the inception of this band, we’ve only wanted to make the right moves, in the right order, at the right times. It’s time to announce our next move. Notions has decided to sign with Stay Sick Recordings because we believe that a good backing is going to help give this band the future it needs. SSR has been nothing but a positive influence on us right from the get-go, so we knew this was the team/family we wanted to be a part of.
As well as announcing that we are now a part of the SSR family, we’ve also debuted our second single/music video ’Wild Card’ through their sites, which you’ll find the link for below, as well as download and streaming links.
Next, we are in the studio all this week to finish up our debut LP which is due to be out in the very near future. SSR has been incredibly generous and is also letting us do a social media take-over on all their sites, so head over to those pages, give them a like/follow/etc. to see us in the studio, and whatever other shenanigans we get into.
Lastly, we’ve also joined Modern Empire for management, something we are very proud of.
Most of all, thank you to everyone who’s checked us out to date, the journey has only begun.