Ghost @ South Park 2018

Teksasilaisen seurakunnan pastori huolissaan Ghostin keikasta: ”En tiedä, voimmeko estää yhtyettä esiintymästä kaupungissamme”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 19.11.2018
Ghost @ South Park 2018

Ruotsalaisyhtye Ghost on herättänyt huolta Teksasilaisessa Midlandin seurakunnassa ja sen pastorissa Larry Longissa, joka ei olisi halunnut paholaisen kanssa flirttailevan yhtyeen esiintyvän Midlandissa Wagner Noël Performing Arts Centerissä 19.marraskuuta. Pastori Long perusteli huolensa The Morning Show with Craig Anderson -radio-ohjelman haastattelussa:

 ”I don’t know that we can stop the band from coming – I don’t know how that works – but this is very concerning to me. And I’m not so much concerned about the band as I am about the fact that Wagner Noël didn’t have better sense than to sign this band. What are those people thinking? Are they a part of our community? Do they care what the majority of our community might think about something like that. Sure, I’m concerned about the content of the band. We have a freedom of religion in America, which means a freedom of irreligion and anti-Christian faith, if that’s what people want to do. And so, from that sense, yes, the band bothers me. But I’m not in favor of outlawing the band per se. What I’m in favor [of] is finding out from Wagner Noël what in the world they’re thinking… I don’t know what Wagner Noël can do once they sign that contract, but for Heaven’s sakes, they need better sense than this. And I think the community should be alarmed about it. This is not healthy for our community. Because we Christians believe the devil is real, so when you have a devil-worshipping band… And I’m sure the band believes the devil’s real – I doubt that they’re just doing this as a part of their shtick for music, and music they produce and so on.”

Huolestuneet Midlandin seurakuntalaiset järjestivät yleisen rukoushetken rukoillakseen yhteisönsä puolesta, koska he uskovat Ghostin tuovan pahoja hengellisiä vaikutteita paikallisiin.

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